Fernweh for all non German speakers (myself included) has a similar meaning to wanderlust. The desire to travel and see new places beyond the doorstep of home. But fernweh describes a much deeper desire, almost like a homesickness or longing for places you haven’t yet been to. When I came across this word, I really liked the mystery around it and the fact that it doesn’t translate directly to English. Although I never considered myself a big traveller or really having a strong urge to travel, I have come to the realisation that I am in fact experiencing fernweh!
I am currently in a position where my physical home isn’t set. It lies between two countries - Scotland and Denmark. My home is where the important people are in my life and they are scattered in a few countries right now! It’s a confusing pull between wanting to lay down roots yet finding myself very restless in doing so, and being distracted by the strong desire to keep moving and experience all I can.
For me it’s so exciting to take a leap into life’s unknown and keep taking leaps! To create stories, meet people, learn, create, be sharpened, develop. Perhaps I have slightly obscured its true meaning but for me this is fernweh: the longing and persistence in keeping moving, and in doing so, creating a bigger story through all the places you travel to and the people you meet.
This is one of my favourite tracks from my upcoming album and the first one that we really sat down with as a trio to define the arrangement and instrument roles. After that session I realised what a privilege it was to have Christoffer and Dennis in the project. These guys had something special and it wasn’t just their fantastic musicianship that they brought to the music but the fact that they had never been exposed to my world of Scottish folk music before, resulting in a whole new perspective and sound. I should point out that the guys are Danish jazz musicians so it was super nice to be able to introduce them to the Scottish music culture. Very quickly they found a way to integrate themselves into my tunes and alongside the harp! And they did this so willingly, graciously giving their time to the project and sharing the whole journey and musical process with me. So my heartfelt thanks to them. But I am excited to present the elusive ‘Fernweh’. May you be inspired to chase after and seek your own adventures…
Released: 24/03/23
Fernweh Cover by 10 Fingers